1. User Registration:

  • Users are required to provide accurate information during registration, including a valid email address.
  • Account verification may involve email confirmation or additional identity verification steps.
  • Only individuals aged 18 and above are eligible to register.

2. Job Posting:

  • Jobs posted must comply with local, national, and international laws.
  • Detailed job descriptions, including specific requirements and deliverables, must be provided.
  • LokuJob.com reserves the right to review and approve job postings before they go live on the platform.

3. Payment and Fees:

  • LokuJob.com charges a service fee for completed transactions, with details outlined in the fee structure.
  • Payments are processed through secure channels, and multiple payment methods are accepted.
  • Freelancers receive payment upon successful completion of the job, subject to the platform's escrow system.

4. Dispute Resolution:

  • Users are encouraged to communicate and resolve issues amicably.
  • In the case of disputes, users can escalate the matter through a structured resolution process.
  • LokuJob.com may step in as a mediator and make a final decision if an agreement cannot be reached.

6. User Conduct:

  • Users must refrain from engaging in any form of harassment, discrimination, or illegal activities.
  • Violation of conduct rules may result in account suspension or termination.
  • LokuJob.com will investigate reports of misconduct and take appropriate action.

7. Security and Privacy:

  • LokuJob.com employs robust security measures to safeguard user data and transactions.
  • Users' personal information is handled with strict confidentiality.
  • Regular security updates are implemented to protect against unauthorized access.

8. Intellectual Property:

  • Users must respect the intellectual property rights of others.
  • Any infringement may result in account suspension or legal action.
  • LokuJob.com will respond promptly to reports of intellectual property violations.

9. Account Termination:

  • Accounts violating the terms of service may be terminated.
  • Users will be notified of the reason for termination, and there may be an appeal process.
  • LokuJob.com reserves the right to terminate accounts for any reason deemed necessary for the platform's integrity.

10. Changes to Policies: - Users will be notified of any changes to policies through the platform's communication channels. - Policy changes will be effective after a reasonable notice period. - Users are encouraged to review updated policies and seek clarification if needed.

11. Customer Support: - LokuJob.com provides customer support through various channels, including email and live chat. - Response times aim to be within 24 hours for non-urgent inquiries. - A comprehensive help center is available to address common queries.

12. Compliance with Laws: - Users must comply with local, national, and international laws. - LokuJob.com cooperates with legal authorities in cases of legal inquiries or investigations.

13. Prohibited Activities: - Prohibited activities include but are not limited to spamming, fraud, and any form of illegal content. - LokuJob.com employs automated and manual mechanisms to detect and prevent prohibited activities.

14. Community Guidelines: - Users are expected to adhere to community guidelines promoting a positive and inclusive environment. - Guidelines cover respectful communication, collaborative behavior, and diversity and inclusion. - LokuJob.com encourages users to report any behavior violating community guidelines.

By adhering to these working policies, LokuJob.com aims to create a secure, transparent, and collaborative environment for both clients and freelancers. Users are urged to familiarize themselves with these policies to ensure a positive experience on the platform.

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